Friday, July 8, 2011


So I haven't been around.  On purpose.  I didn't want to drown the internets with all my tears and mush.  

Y'know the times I've blogged?  That is the exact same number of times that I've talked to my husband.  Except less, 'cause he still hasn't called but I miss my bloglove.  

F your face, Assghanistan.  

I've been pretty busy hanging cabinets, drinking wine, and indulging the chub on my little miss.  It's been awesome.  
Please note the thigh rolls.  My personal favorite. 

We're a whopping sixteen percent done with this deployment though, so that's pretty awesome.  Less awesome is the amount of pounds that haven't been lost.  Some days whoopie pies make me happier than walks.  

Also there has been boatloads of rain.  

Thanks Maine, for giving me excuses 50% of the time.  

Louisa is pretty much ten months old.  How did this happen?  

A fan of swinging.

(Self portraits are a bit of a challenge!)