Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Eeeeeek x 768765765!!!

William and Kate might be my newest favorite thing!  I feel like I totally called it because I dvr'd TLC's special about them a couple weeks ago...  So there Brian!  ('cause he totally rolled his eyes at me when I set it!  Psh.)

Other awesome things:

Louisa!  She had her two month appointment and took those shots like a champ, with some tears, of course.  The guy who administered them was some young SPC, which made me so nervous, but he was really sweet and apologetic about the crying.  He wasn't specifically a pediatric shot guy (whatevs, you get it.), so I was excited that it was minimally traumatic (because lots of our experiences with army healthcare have been fairly traumatic thus far, just sayin'...)

Thigh bandaids :(
Anyways, she is 12 lbs., 22 in, and 90th percentile for head circumference...!  Whaaaat!  She totes gets it from Brian, but maybe it's for all the smarts that she gets from me?  Probably.  But the doctor said head control would take longer 'cause her head is heavier than most.  So, we got serious about tummy time!

...mostly.  Haha, she does do a good job, really.  (My 6 week postpartum appointment was yesterday too, but was mysteriously cancelled, so I have to wait 'til week eleven.  Awesome.)

Also, Little Lulu has been sleeping 6-7 hours a night, every night!  It is such an amazing feeling!  I think that Brian (who crazysnores) has been in Anchorage for the past couple weeks training has certainly been beneficial to this phenomenon.  I'm a bit nervous that he'll be back this weekend!

Also, MODG.  I'm kind of obsessed...

And, Mint M&Ms.  Its no wonder I still have 22.5 lbs to go!

Google images

Today the forecasted high temperature was negative four degrees. The high.  I think it's pretty awesome that we don't have to worry about heating oil. (Even though cost of living up here is ridiculous, and therefore BAH is ridiculous.  It's still pretty exciting.)

Holidays!!  We're doing a pot-luck Thanksgiving with friends since we're all way too far to celebrate with family.  I'm attempting several recipes, but I'm not going to share because I'm pretty sure they won't all turn out very well!

I'm so excited that Brian will be here for Louisa's first Thanksgiving and Christmas!  He's likely going to miss lots next year, so we're going to try and make the most of festivities this year!  And, as frustrating as it is to be in the Arctic, we will certainly have a white Christmas!  Yay!

Not awesome: calorie counting during the holiday season... Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's so crazy to think that one year ago...

I wasn't even pregnant!  Having a baby was a hope of mine, but not a plan.  I was looking forward to Thanksgiving alone in Texas, and Brian's homecoming shortly thereafter...

Oh how things have changed!

Miss Louisa is almost two months, and I can honestly say that being her mum is more amazing than I could have imagined.  She has quickly caught on to the smile thing, and loves to practice at 2am when she is up for a bottle. It's SO hard to not smile and coo back when she is such a cheery little cherub!

Eating her hands is another new favorite, and waving arms is tons of fun too!  Except, maybe, when she gets too exuberant and thumps her little hand into her face...  The expression she makes is a bit pitiful!

Last night she slept for seven hours straight, and then went to sleep for a few more!  Honestly, every day gets less stressful and more fun.  Now she is in her gym, yelling at it!  So funny!  And if the music runs out and the lights stop flashing -- she cries!  Little girl has so much personality, and I'm afraid that she's just as crazy as me!

Monday we have her 2 month appointment, and I'm really not looking forward to the shots!  Hopefully it'll be over quickly...