Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Time for you to be jelly!


I'm sitting here, on my new couch (woop) with major conjunctivitis in my right eye and buckets of coconut oil in my hair.

I'm willing this dang eye to be goop free for tomorrow, mostly just because I'm sick of not being able to wear eye makeup.  We're going on day FIVE of this business, friends.  FIVE.

Also hoping that my locks will be resurrected from this state.  No mo' chlorine for me this summer.  Hopefully.

But probably not.

Chillin' at the pool!
Anyway, my little lady turns two soon, and I need to get busy planning her festive un-party.  Because birthdays are awesome, but I feel a little bit silly about favors and matching decor and cupcake pins and napkins and sparkles and whateverrrelse.  There will be lots of sparkles and sprinkles and probably a tutu but chaos-style like we like so much.

Were you so curious about my to-do list?  I figured.  But trolling Etsy is making me feel inadequate.  You know...

Happy August!